VIDEOS & INTERVIEWS (in spanish)
Outreach: Interview on the importance of allosteric sites for protein function and how to computationally discover them
Outreach: Inteview on the revolutionary discoveries in Protein Folding by Deepmind's Alphafold and David Baker's RosettaFold
Outreach: Public lecture on applying Nature's evolution principles to protein engineering for developing enzymes and antibodies for industry and the clinic
Public lecture on Directed Evolution: a Biotech (R)e-volution for a Sustainable Future
Short clip on Gonzalo´s experience and collaboration with Nobel Prize laureate Frances Arnold:
A selection of media coverage on the same topic: a personal assay, published by Agencia SINC, an interview by and a press release by euro press.
Short clip on our collaborative Nature Communications paper on catalytic Gold subnanoclusters:
Short interview in occasion of Gonzalo's arrival to University of La Rioja in 2015 as a Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow: